Five Brands That Lied Right To Your Face

In recent years, we've become quite cautious about the way we consume fashion, entertainment, and more. People like to know what they're supporting, and no one hesitates to call out corporations and individuals who've been deceptive in the way they go about with their business dealings. It's pretty surprising to see that even today, we're still seeing quite a few companies that lie to us about their products. Worse yet, these companies are all cosmetic or skincare companies masquerading as environmentally friendly or promoting fair trade.

Of course, at first, we'll admit that even we fell for their sketchy marketing tactics.

So, we've included a list of well-known cosmetic and skincare brands known for their activisms, who've been lying to us about quite a few things.

  1. Aveeno

    Aveeno just proves how easy it is for companies to market their products as "natural"- or, as in their case, "Active Naturals," which apparently carry ingredients from nature to deliver "real skin results."This couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, while Aveeno may showcase specific products as the key ingredient, it's all a marketing tactic.

    Their products are full of skin irritants and other chemicals. What makes it worse is that many people with skin allergies often turn to Aveeno because of its marketing efforts. Sure, they move on due to minimum or no improvements, but the duplicity is interesting, to say the least.

  2. Bio Oil

    The second company on our list is Bio-Oil due to the extensive marketing of 'natural' oils designed to help get rid of stretch marks and scars. It's extremely popular with women who take this when they're pregnant to ensure that they don't end up with either of the two problems. However, what's shocking is that there's nothing "natural" about Bio-Oil. Its base is made from paraffinum liquidum, which is derived from petroleum.

    It's also a skin irritant, a pore blocker, and can damage the lungs if droplets are inhaled.

    It doesn't end there.

    Oh, and apart from a mineral oil for their base, they're using slip agents, fillers, fragrances, and dyes. Also, PurCellin Oil isn't a hidden natural formula; it's literally just a trademarked word for marketing purposes.

    Their sponsored study of how 92% of subjects showed improvements after 8 weeks of using Bio-Oil doesn't tell you that there were only 36 subjects in the study.

  3. Kiehls

    If you're surprised to find Kiehl's on this list, you're not alone. Kiehl's clever marketing with its old-world packaging and claims of purity misleads quite a lot of people. Most of us assume that because there are so many obviously organic ingredients used to create Kiehl's products, they've got to be an organic, eco-friendly brand.

    That's not true. Most of Kiehl's products, including creams and serums, consist of many skin irritants, neurotoxins, and chemicals such as sodium hydroxide, which have been linked to the destruction of skin cells. 

    Also, according to PETA, they test on animals too.

  4. LUSH Cosmetics

    LUSH Cosmetics has always been at the forefront of many environmental causes. They used to supply cosmetics for The Body Shop and have worked with Vivienne Westwood on the Climate Change Revolution Campaign. They're also vocally against animal testing.

    So, it was a bit of a disappointment to find that not only is LUSH not used organic ingredients, most of them are packed with harmful chemicals and preservatives. To top it all off, LUSH claims that they don't use more than two synthetic preservatives in each product.

    But we know that there are plenty of natural options available, so why do they have to use chemicals at all? Also, for a brand that basks in the environmentally conscious, no animal testing glory, it hasn't made many products vegan.

  5. The Body Shop 

    Perhaps the most disappointing cosmetic and skincare brand on this list is The Body Shop. Starting off in Brighton in the UK as a small store with organic products, the company has expanded and become a global leader in eco-friendly, ethically sourced produced skincare products. It advocates environmentalism, Fair Trade and even supports communities that help farm ingredients for its products.

    So, it's very disappointing to see that advocates for transparency try to hide behind numbers and scientific names for chemicals. While their skincare line definitely follows their cruelty-free and organic brand, the cosmetic line is littered with products made from chemicals and irritants that can erode away at the skin.

    The Body Shop calls for companies to be transparent and take accountability for their actions, but corporate greed exists within the brand itself. It honestly looks really shady for a company championing things like ethical trading and accountability when they're hiding behind their brand to avoid questions about their use of petrochemicals and preservatives. Especially since they've proven with their skincare line that they can definitely do better.

Be Careful Who You Buy From

As you can see, brands aren't the best or most honest when it comes to being the truth about their ingredients or practices. Therefore, it is essential that you continue to do your research when you're looking at cosmetic and skincare brands to support. Everything isn't as it seems so, we strongly recommend that you turn to trusted sources (i.e., not the brand's website) before making the decision to purchase.


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