Is Yoghurt Gonna Save Us?


Something you simply have around your fridge that you might or might not finish eating. In a small or big round container. Creamy, soft, and smooth. If you thought it was yogurt then your spot on! Rather it be soy, almond, greek or traditional yogurt you might have better benefits than simply consuming it. Yes! Yogurt can actually help you on the exterior too!

So here are a few methods on how slathering it on can help boost your skin, scalp, and overall being. 

Got dry, itchy, and flaky skin? 

Ever seen yogurt based skincare products? Certain K-beauty products these days promote yogurt as one of the key ingredient bases for their products and the reason being that with yogurt you can actually help to get rid of dead skin cells. In addition to having smooth “baby-soft” skin. It’s recommended to use a yogurt base when making a face mask once a week. When removing please remember to make sure and remove all of the yogurt from your face using luke-warm water and a gentle brush or hands. Pat dry and remember to always double check as there may be some yogurt still on. 

Got dandruff? 

Feeling itchiness? Followed by constantly seeing dry, white flakes on your clothing? Chances are it might be dandruff. Many people believe that dandruff is only a sign of a dry scalp, but that's not the whole truth. You see dandruff occurs when the scalp becomes too oily, which allows for oil production to occur in order to combat dryness. And did you know that in winter dandruff is at its peak since most people typically are indoors with the heat cranked up? This in turn leads to dry, warm, air that affects our skin and can lead to certain fungal and inflammatory infections. 

Yogurt is a great resource for the scalp as you not only immediately feel the cooling sensation but it penetrates into the scalp to help alleviate the inflammation and fungus (if any present). In addition to moisturizing your hair follicles so you won’t scratch as much! Simply coat your scalp in yogurt while in the shower, and let it sit while you finish the rest of your cleaning duties (ie. shaving, lathering, singing a song playing from your phone) and then rinsing it off. 

Got acne? 

If you experience breakouts from here and there, due to stress, anxiety, hormones, you name it. Then it’s most likely that you have a collection of skincare products to combat acne. Products that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or the infamous tea tree oil. However, if you want a more DIY and natural skincare routine you might want to consider yogurt. According to Joshua Zeinchner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC, yogurt could be the solution to your acne concern. 

"The probiotics in yogurt have a protective and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, so it may help treat acne”.

By using the plain type of yogurt (greek could work as well) directly onto the blemish then leaving it on for 10 to 15 minutes followed by rinsing your face in luke-warm water allows for the blemish to become less irritant and decrease swelling. 

In addition, it helps for acne scarring

Got pesky dark spots?

If you ever have picked at a pesky acne blemish more than once, chances are that you might have some type of scarring. Scarring can be annoying as sometimes not even makeup will cover the marks. But did you know there’s enough lactic acid in yogurt to provide a mild lightening effect that could even out the skin discoloration? It is more effective if you mix 2-to-3 tablespoons with a dash of lemon juice since lemon contains vitamin C and Astringent qualities (PH levels). Which can be great for inflammation, anti-aging, and of course skin brightening. Dab it on once a week and leave in for about 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. 

Now if you have sensitive skin, or simply experience irritation you can try using yogurt and persimmon juice! As persimmons also contain vitamin C and A. 


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