Top Ingredients To Avoid In Hair Care

So what are the ingredients do you need to stay away from so you can keep your glorious locks healthy and full of bounce?

We have listed top 9 ingredients you should ALWAYS avoid.

Get ready for some disturbing info!

1.DMDM Hydantion

  • It's primary purpose is to preserve the product longer on the shelf and found in a wide range of cosmetics, skin, and hair care products.

  • It is a type of plastic that can cause hair loss and scalp irritation.

  • It releases toxins that are known human carcinogens.

  • It can cause allergic contact dermatitis.


  • They are used as a foaming agent but it also straps all your natural oils, moisturizers, and color leaving your hair with nothing but dryness.


  • They are a preservative that can cause a hormonal imbalance, skin irritation, affect reproductive health and cause neurotoxicity.

4. Polyethylene Glycols

  • They are thickening agents that can damage or disrupt human development.

5. Triclosen

  • It is banned from antibacterial soaps because it is an endocrine disrupter.

  • It can have damaging effects as xenoestrogens that can lead to infertility, fetal harm, immune system issues, weight loss or gain, and depression.


  • It is a dangerous preservative that is absorbed through your scalp, that can seep through the packaging over time into the air. It can cause asthma and also is linked to cancer.

5.Synthetic fragrances and colors

  • They are just unnecessary components that is harmful to your skin and can cause several health issues such as infertility, irritation, hair loss, asthma and cancer.


  • It is a form of silicone that makes the hair soft and smooth feeling but it will dry your hair out over time.

  • It causes build up at the roots and will burn and irritate your scalp. The more it builds up the more it blocks out the natural moisture in your hair and stops the natural ingredients to flow to your hair. It creates abundance of residue and dirt that can clog your pores.

7.Retinyl palimate

  • It causes a list of skin issues including peeling, scaling, itching, burning, and redness.


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